Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra: No Stacked Battery, What’s the Company’s Plan?

Samsung, a renowned smartphone brand, recently unveiled its premium phone, the Samsung Galaxy S24, for its customers. Now, emerging reports suggest that the company is gearing up for its new series. A new report has surfaced indicating that Samsung will not introduce stacked batteries with its new flagship series, the Samsung Galaxy S25. Let’s delve deeper into this revelation.

As we know, it was reported last year that Samsung was working on a new battery technology that would enhance the power density of batteries without altering the cell’s chemical content. This innovation aims to pack more capacity into a more compact volume, known as stacked battery technology.

S25 Ultra Won’t Feature Stacked Battery
Previous reports indicated that Samsung would introduce this new technology with this year’s Galaxy S24 Ultra smartphone. Expectations were high for the Galaxy S25 Ultra to feature rapid 65W charging along with the new battery technology. However, the company has decided to halt the production of new stacked batteries.

Therefore, the company will not feature stacked battery technology in its new devices. This decision indicates a shift in Samsung’s approach, possibly towards cost-saving measures.

Company Focusing on Cost-cutting
It has been revealed that the company will launch the Galaxy S25 Ultra with traditional Li-Ion technology-based 45W charging and a 5000mAh battery. This decision reflects Samsung’s change of heart, opting to save some costs.

Now, it has come to light that the new stacked battery technology might debut with the Galaxy S26 Ultra in 2026, possibly due to delays in improvements in other aspects, such as the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 chip.

Qualcomm has confirmed that the flagship chip of the next generation, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, will be more expensive. This may impact the device’s pricing. Therefore, these changes have been made for cost-cutting purposes.

In conclusion, Samsung’s decision not to introduce stacked battery technology with the Galaxy S25 Ultra showcases its strategic shift towards cost-cutting measures. While consumers may have to wait a bit longer for this innovative technology, it reflects the company’s commitment to delivering value while balancing technological advancements and affordability. Stay tuned for further updates on Samsung’s flagship smartphone lineup.